19th Annual Community Enhancement Collaboration (CEC) Toy Distribution Event Provides 22 Bikes and Gifts for Hollywood Kids in Need

Families and community leaders got together at the Washington Park Community Center on December 23rd to participate in the Community Enhancement Collaboration (CEC) Toy Distribution event. It was the 19th year this has taken place.

A large number of children from the community came to the event. They each received a toy. A raffle was held to give away bicycles. Also, families could receive some food, clothing and personal items.

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Nadine McCrea, the founder and leader of CEC was pleased to see families and children getting together to have a good time and to receive toys and food. “I am doing this because there is a need in the community. Many parents are struggling to make ends meet and to pay for basic items like gas and food. I want to bring joy to families in the community,” she said.

Community organizations participated in the Toy Distribution event. Members of the Hollywood Women’s Club helped out.

Carol Fitzgerald, president of the Hollywood Women’s Club said she loves the CEC. “Nadine is doing great things in the community. Our mission is to help others,” she said.

Ellen Mitchel, a member of the Women’s Club agreed. “This is an amazing event and I am glad to volunteer and be a part of it,” she said.

Chad Abell of Waste Connections said his organization works with the Bike Build Project. “We are glad to be here. We donated 22 bicycles,” he said.

Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy came and announced the winners of the bicycle raffle. He also spent time with people at the Toy Distribution. “This is an amazing and wonderful event. Nadine and the volunteers here are helping the community,” he said.

Broward County Mayor Beam Furr said, “This is a great thing for the community. Nadine is doing a good job with few resources. If it weren’t for this event, many of these children would not get any presents from Christmas,” he said.


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Members of the Bike Build program. Chip Abell, of Waste Connections and a part of Bike Build led an effort to donate 22 bicycles to the CEC Toy Giveway event at Washington Park Community Center on December 23.
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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