79% of Florida Students Say “No” to Back-to-School

New survey data from Brainly.com, recently re-surveyed 4,500 U.S. students in middle and high school on August 7th, 2020 as a 1-month follow up to their same survey on July 7th. Some key findings include:

Overall, 78% of students said they are against fully starting school in-person (up from the previous 68%).

  • 47.1% would open fully virtual (previously 33.1%)
  • 30.5% would do a hybrid of virtual and in-school (previously 35.8%)
  • 22.4% would open fully in-school (previously 31.2%)

Targeting states with major school districts undecided or for reopening:

  • Florida (886 respondents): 79% against full reopening (52% say virtual, 27% say hybrid)
  • Georgia (101 respondents): 85% against full reopening (56% say virtual, 29% say hybrid)
  • Texas (175 respondents): 77% against full reopening (47% say virtual, 30% say hybrid)
  • California (793 respondents): 78% against full reopening (48% say virtual, 30% say hybrid)
  • Alabama (53 respondents): 84% against full reopening (47% say virtual, 37% say hybrid)
  • New York (373 respondents): 77% against full reopening (42% say virtual, 35% say hybrid)

Brainly is a place for students to share and explore knowledge in a supportive community of peers students, and combine their strengths and talents to tackle problems together.

For more information, visit https://brainly.com

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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