Broward County participates in the annual International Coastal Cleanup, sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy. The Cleanup takes place in over 104 countries around the world and typically on the 3rd Saturday of September.
The 31st Annual Coastal Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 9 a.m. until noon. Please dress appropriately for the weather, either rain or shine, as they will only cancel the Cleanup due to a tropical storm system resulting in a Watch or Warning. Call 954-519-1218 for cancellation information.
To participate, bring a hat, gloves, sunscreen, and water to one of the cleanup site locations identified on the map below.
Hollywood Beach North – The Cleanup location is at North Beach Park at the end of Sheridan Street. When you arrive at the gate, tell park personnel you are participating in the Coastal Cleanup. Sign-in station is halfway down the park on the right (east) side.
Hollywood Beach Central – Park in the garage at the south end of the Oceanwalk Mall, located at A1A and Hollywood Boulevard. Sign-in is at the Oceanwalk Mall outdoor pavilion. No parking passes are available this year.
Hollywood Beach South – Sign in at Keating Park located at Magnolia Terrace and Surf Road. Parking passes will be available from the Site Captain once you sign in.