Community Enhancement Collaboration hosts back to school health fair


Community Enhancement Collaboration, (CEC) recently organized a community event to get Hollywood kids ready for the school year. Hundreds of children attended the Back to School Health and Wellness Fair at the Washington Park Community Center.

Aside from a good time, the kids in attendance enjoyed free haircuts, health checks and immunizations. Also, businesses and civic groups raised money to provide back packs filled with school supplies.

Nadine McCrea, founder and executive director of CEC, said she wanted to make sure the children in her community had everything they needed to have a successful start to school.

“I want to help families and individuals. Many parents need help, I want to be sure their children are ready for school on the first day,” said McCrea. McCrea was a spark plug of energy and enthusiasm during the event. She led a group of spirited volunteers who created a fun atmosphere for everyone.

Members of the HeartWay Church who volunteered for the event

Danny Prada, pastor of HeartWay Church, brought members of the congregation to participate. “We care about the community and want to help people. We provided some of the backpacks for the children,” he said.

Mavrikis Phillips, Barbering instructor at Sheridan Technical College, provided free haircuts. “We like to give back to the community and this is a way to do so,” said Phillips.

Phillips is seen cutting Jalane Meloune’s son Zellen’s hair

Josh Levy, of Hollywood Kia was one of the corporate sponsors. “We always want to help kids in the community. We were happy to support this community event,” he said.

Mindy Fels, president of the Greater Hollywood Jaycees also participated in the event. Earlier this year, the Hollywood Jaycees took a group of children shopping so they would have clothing and supplies for school.

There was a festive atmosphere as family and friends got together to socialize and have some fun at the end of the summer.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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