Beam Furr Keeping Busy as he Prepares to Become Broward County Mayor Nov. 28

Beam Furr, currently the Vice Mayor of Broward County and District 6 Commissioner on the Broward County Commission, will be sworn in as Mayor of Broward County on November 28.  Furr had previously served for 12 years as a City Commissioner for district 2 in Hollywood.

The County Commission is composed of nine members elected by district.  Each Commissioner must be a resident of the district for which he or she seeks election. Each year the Commission elects a Mayor and Vice Mayor. The Mayor’s functions include serving as presiding officer, and as the County’s official representative.

Meanwhile, off the coast of Hollywood, a major environmental crisis is taking place. And Furr is concerned. Much of the coral reef off the coast is dying or diseased, and no one is sure why.  The State of Florida has provided $1 million to monitor all the water that is going into the ocean. It is hoped that this will provide important information on what is causing the reefs to die.

At the same time, Furr is at work to develop a more centralized and efficient improved recycling program that would recycle about 75 percent of County trash from all Broward cities.

Broward government will meet with Arcadis, a consulting organization, to discuss an improved approach to dealing with solid waste. “Our goals are to recycle about 75 percent of all solid waste,” he explained. “Most of what we can’t recycle will be burned and turned into electricity. What we can’t recycle or burn will be placed in a landfill.”

Another topic currently on the table is a penny sales tax increase, slated to pay for improvements to public transportation.  Furr is in favor of this increase, which would likely be allotted to  improvements to traffic signals and the development of a light rail system.  Furr would also like to see an improved app that would allow the users of public transportation to know which buses or other public transportation vehicles are near their location. He wants to see overall improvements to public transportation to encourage more people to use it.

Congratulations to Mayor Beam Furr.  Keep up the good work.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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