‘Big Green Boxes of Cheer’ Delivered to Kids with Serious Health Issues

Nearly 300 young patients at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital were gifted with a ‘Big Green Box of Cheer’ earlier today by American Eagle Outfitters and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation.

The gift boxes – each stuffed with age-appropriate magazines, activity books, stuffed animals, puzzles, toys, and crafts – brought joy to children and families coping with serious health issues.

American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) associates assembled and Two Men and a Truck delivered nearly 300 of the cheer-up gifts, part of AEO’s commitment to team building and corporate citizenship.

The donation of big green boxes is the result of a partnership between AEO and Cheeriodicals, a company that believes gifting should be personal, memorable, unique, and have the potential to spark positive change.

Gift-givers from AEO interacted and connected with children who have life-threatening medical conditions. Most of the kids excitedly opened the big green boxes right away while a few took the gifts back to their rooms to enjoy in private.

All those involved with the packaging and distributing the boxes were excited to brighten the lives of children and families coping with difficult circumstances.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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