Mobile Testing Outreach Begins in Broward for Home-bound Elderly and Disabled Experiencing COVID-19 Symptoms

Broward County to begin mobile/in-home testing

The Florida Department of Health in Broward (FDOH-Broward), American Medical Response (AMR) and Century Ambulance Services (CAS) opened on Wednesday, May 6, a new mobile/in-home testing program that continues Broward County’s efforts to increase the number of COVID-19 tests that health professionals are able to administer to residents.

Individuals eligible for the new testing option include homebound elderly or individuals with disabilities who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and cannot leave their homes to access one of the drive-up or walk-up test collection sites.

Initial hours of operation will be from 9AM – Noon, and 1PM – 4PM, Monday through Friday. AMR and CAS will each collect up to 12 specimens per day but will have the capability to ramp up staffing to complete up to 25 tests per day. Florida Department of Health in Broward will be prepared to receive and process up to 50 specimens daily from AMR and CAS.

FDOH-Broward will manage the overall testing process, provide training to the collection teams, and provide specimen collection kits and any materials needed to package, store and transport specimens. FDOH-Broward will also notify residents of test results, and conduct contact tracing for those individuals that test positive for COVID-19.

AMR and CAS will provide vehicles and health professionals to collect specimens using nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swabs.

Specimens will be transported to the Department of Health daily, according to all professional standards for specimen handling and transport.

AMR and CAS will follow all infection control recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Residents who believe they are eligible for the mobile/in-home testing option should call the Broward County COVID-19 Call Center at 954-357-9500 for a pre-qualifying assessment. The Call Center is open from 8AM to 6PM seven days a week.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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