Broward Commission agrees to raise the price of a tow

car being towed away2


The Broward Commission unanimously agreed in a recent meeting to allow towing companies to raise their rates, including automatic increases for all towing fees every year, based on the rate of inflation.

The rate hike applies to situations when the companies are towing cars that are illegally parked or when they are towing cars that are immobilized usually due to an accident.

There are essentially four price classes ranging from around $100 for a car to  $400 for a large truck. Motorists who find their cars or trucks have been towed can expect an increase of between $20 and $30. Towing companies can charge what they want if they are called by someone who wants his or her car towed.

Members of the Broward Commission agreed that a price increase was necessary because of the increased costs of running a tow truck operation.

One tow truck operator said he is spending more to run his company and needs to charge more for a tow.   The last increase was in 2006. 

Another man said the price of a tow should be reduced. He said that too many tow truck operators hire spotters to find cars that are illegally towed and can be aggressive towards people who find that their cars are about to be towed.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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