Camelot Days offers medieval fun

Camelot Days offers medieval fun

Marie Fernandez and Alex Hochberger love being a part of the Royal Chessmen. They give staged combat performances around Florida and show what fighting was like in old Europe.

They train in staged combat techniques every Sunday afternoon at TY Park.

Currently, members of the Royal Chessmen are participating in Camelot Days Medieval Festival at TY Park. “We love it. It is fun to train in and we love getting together to rehearse and practice staged fighting techniques,” said Hochberger.

Fernandez also enjoys being a part of the Royal Chessmen. “We have fun together and we love to perform. We present dramatic stage actions,” she said.

Members of the Royal Chessmen perform plays that involve stage combat. They also perform at other Renaissance festivals, pirate festivals and private events.

Those who came to Camelot Days can enjoyed a wide variety of shows and performances, good food, and the chance to escape into the world of old Europe. Groups, such as the Charmings, perform songs.

There are dance groups and belly dancers. There are fun activities for younger children. And people can dress in a wide variety of medieval characters.

The History of Chivalry offers real combat. The participants wear armor and fight to the yield. When a participant can no longer fight, usually because of exhaustion, the person yields and concedes the fight.

Members train hard together and they are good friends. There will be another Camelot Days presentation next weekend.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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