Caribbean Club at Hollywood Hills High Shares Tropical Cultures, Gives Students a Sense of Home

It may not always be possible to hop on a plane to vacation in the tropics, but at Hollywood Hills High School, a visit to the Caribbean Club can offer students an opportunity to learn more about the culture and history of the nations of the Caribbean.  At the same time, it can give students who are from those countries a chance feel back at home.

“This is a bonding experience,” said Hyacinth Lawrence, the Club’s advisor. “We are educating people about the Caribbean.”

The Club promotes Caribbean culture and helps students who are from the Caribbean adjust to life in Hollywood.  Many of the members are from Caribbean nations consider the club like a second family.

Many of the members were born in Caribbean nations and still feel a tug for their native lands.

“Our goal is to connect students who are from the Caribbean,” said Mickayla Watkis, co-president of the Club, who is from Jamaica. “Sometimes people experience culture shock when they come from Jamaica and other Caribbean nations to the United States. We help these students fit in here.”

Morganne Stephenson, co-president of the Club is also from Jamaica. She remembers having to adjust to life in the United States. “In Jamaica, life is more simple, and it was hard at first when I came here,” she recalled.
” I like helping people who are getting used to life here.”

Amirah Mohammed is from Trinidad and Tobago. She works to promote the Club. “This is a good club because we can learn about other countries. I have made some good friends here,” she said.  The Club brings in speakers to talk with members, and Mohammed hopes to hold a carnival and a showcase highlighting the different cultures.

Eventually, some of the members hope to visit some of the nations in the Caribbean. Currently, they are collecting items to ship to Dominica, a Caribbean country recently hit by hurricanes.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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