Caro’s Cafeteria

Caro’s Cafeteria


Best way to order

Call (954) 544-2420 for pick and Uber eats for delivery


8 am to 3 pm


[{"placeTitle":"Funston Street","title":"Funston Street","caption":"5721 Funston Street, Hollywood, Florida 33023, United States","id":"address.5369723613828974","coordinates":{"longitude":-80.201866,"latitude":26.000637}}]" data-zoom="12" data-map-center="{"lng":-80.201866,"lat":26.000637}" data-marker-color="red" data-show-fullscreen-button="true">

5721 Funston St., Suite 9
Hollywood, Fl 33023
(954) 544-2420

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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