Homeowners, Choose Your Colors! It’s Time for Operation Paintbrush Again on April 14
The paint supply has been secured from Broward County, so pick up your paint on April 14 — Operation Paintbrush
The paint supply has been secured from Broward County, so pick up your paint on April 14 — Operation Paintbrush
The Planning and Development Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, so the next one
The Hollywood City Commission will hold another edition of “Commission in the Community” on the evening of April 11,
Joint City Commission Workshop with Charter Review Committee Set for April 11 at 11:45 am The Charter Review Committee,
Each spring, as a best practice measure, the City Commission gathers for a Fiscal Retreat, an opportunity for City
At the recent Charter Review Meeting at City Hall, much of the discussion once again centered on protecting the
Hollywood residents will be seeing more clearly on city streets as the City has approved a new LED street-lighting
After a long period of discussion and disagreement, the signs named after Confederate war leaders in Hollywood have started
The Hollywood Commission approved the following major purchases during the March 21 meeting. It agreed to work with Craven
Regular Hollywood City Commission Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception
The Hollywood City Charter Review Committee is currently undertaking a comprehensive study of the City Charter and all aspects
At its General Obligation Bond (GOB) City Commission Workshop held on March 21, and following a survey and extensive
The paint supply has been secured from Broward County, so pick up your paint on April 14 — Operation Paintbrush
The Planning and Development Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, so the next one
The Hollywood City Commission will hold another edition of “Commission in the Community” on the evening of April 11,
Joint City Commission Workshop with Charter Review Committee Set for April 11 at 11:45 am The Charter Review Committee,
Each spring, as a best practice measure, the City Commission gathers for a Fiscal Retreat, an opportunity for City
At the recent Charter Review Meeting at City Hall, much of the discussion once again centered on protecting the
Hollywood residents will be seeing more clearly on city streets as the City has approved a new LED street-lighting
After a long period of discussion and disagreement, the signs named after Confederate war leaders in Hollywood have started
The Hollywood Commission approved the following major purchases during the March 21 meeting. It agreed to work with Craven
Regular Hollywood City Commission Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception
The Hollywood City Charter Review Committee is currently undertaking a comprehensive study of the City Charter and all aspects
At its General Obligation Bond (GOB) City Commission Workshop held on March 21, and following a survey and extensive
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