CEC Holds 15th Annual Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway via Drive-Thru at Hollywood’s Washington Park Community Center

CEC holds drive thru Back-to-School event

School is going to be very different this fall. Broward Public Schools will be opening entirely online.

And at a time when nothing seems normal for kids, the Community Enhancement Collaboration (CEC) managed to pull off their backpack giveaway as they have for the past 15 years, but via drive-thru. In previous years, children would come to the Washington Park Community Center and receive backpacks and enjoy a fun social event. This year, parents and their children drove through and picked up back packs filled with school supplies for the upcoming year.

Nadine McCrea, executive director of the CEC and longtime Washington Park community activist was pleased the backpack giveaway took place. She hosted the event for years and it has been well attended.

“We held an awesome back to school distribution of back packs, school supplies, milk, cereals, bananas, earbuds and beautiful child-sized homemade masks by Linda Van and Hollywood Kiwanis Club,” she said.

City of Hollywood, Children Services Council of Broward Country, Feeding South Florida, Greater Hollywood Jaycee Junior Chamber, Hollywood Kiwanis Club, Nationwide Church of Brotherly Love, Feeding South Florida, Butler Temple Church, Cruciform Church, Liberty Dental Plan, St. Ruth Missionary Church, Simply Health and Chen Medical provided support for the event.

CEC has not closed their doors during COVID-19 pandemic however, volunteer staff and volunteers are following the CDC Guidelines, wearing masks, practicing physical distance and washing hands frequently.

CEC is located at 5648 Wiley St. in Hollywood. Their mission is to promote health, civic, and social interests while improving community pride and encouraging participation by residents resolved to help one another and they are always in need of local volunteers.

For more information, call (954) 987-0625.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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