Fiscal Year 2015 budget passes with 10.8 percent increase over last year’s budget

The Hollywood City Commission passed the Fiscal Year 2015 budget and millage rate during a final reading on September 29.

The millage rate remained the same at 7.4479. The budget is for $497.7 million and the General Fund is for $219.5 million.  This budget represents a 10.8 percent increase over last year’s budget.

Major expenditures include $2 million to demolish and rebuild fire station 45, $1.1 million for CCTVs and $500,000 for road resurfacing. The City will also spend $2,150,000 for 50 new police cars.

One major concern raised during the final reading was the large amount of money being spent on pensions.

Much of the City’s pension liability is unfunded. More and more of the City’s money is going toward pensions and this is squeezing the financial resources available to provide for current City needs. 

There will be an increase in the fire assessment fees for single family home residents from $189 to $209. Also, residents of condominiums will pay a $22 fire inspection fee.

The City of Hollywood will add an additional 15 people including four police officers, two sergeants, three code officers and five customer service representatives. 

In earlier budget talks, Commissioner Biederman asked that the millage rate be lowered to $698 per $100,000 of assessed value of a home. This would have meant about $5.5 million less in the General Fund Budget and the reduction of 42 staff positions.  Mayor Peter Bober was opposed to a budget decision that would mean the layoff of 42 people. 


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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