City of Hollywood Launches New Business Retention and Expansion Program

The City of Hollywood Office of Communication, Marketing and Economic Development has begun “Plan-To-Action Analysis Meetings” with Hollywood business owners as part of the department’s new Business Retention and Expansion Program. Economic Development Team Members are conducting on-site visits with businesses throughout the City to learn more about the company, the product and/or service they provide, offer technical assistance and facilitate connections with additional services providers.

“Keeping our Hollywood businesses growing and expanding is an important focus for our office,” said Raelin Storey, City of Hollywood Director of Communications, Marketing and Economic Development.  “The health of our local businesses is vital to the success of the City. Our team is excited to be working one-on-one with our business partners to identify opportunities for growth,”

Economic Development Team Members are currently scheduling “Plan-To-Action Analysis Meetings” which typically last about one hour and are aimed at assisting the business to expand and grow. To schedule a “Plan-To-Action Analysis Meetings” or for additional information regarding the Business Retention and Expansion Program, please contact City of Hollywood Economic Development Representative Vielka Buchanan at 954.921.3002 or via email at



Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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