City to offer scholarships for the Hollywood Retail Academy training program in the spring

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Local residents considering a career in retail may want to attend the Hollywood Retail Academy, a training program to prepare entry-level retail workers beginning in the Spring of 2015. It will include an overview of the retail industry, training in customer service, sales and service and operational concepts. Students will learn key strategies to land a job and begin a career in retail. 

WalMart,  opening at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and State Road 441 in the summer, is anticipated to offer approximately 350 new jobs and completing the Hollywood Retail Academy program provides an advantage to potential applicants.

The Hollywood Commission passed a resolution to provide scholarships to approximately 500 low to moderate income individuals to receive training and testing for the National Retail Federation National Professional Certification in Customer Service. The program will be funded with $63,000 in Community Development Block (CDBG) funds. This will include exam vouchers and course materials.

The Department of Community and Economic Development has identified this program curriculum as one that will aid in the development of skills necessary to help unemployed and underemployed low and moderate income Hollywood residents find jobs in the retail industry. The program will run for seven weeks, for 40 hours and two times per week with morning and evening options.

Candidates who attend the Hollywood Retail Academy and possess the Customer Service and Sales Certification will have an advantage when seeking from entry-level to first-line supervisory retail positions.  The curriculum has been developed by retailers and other subject matter experts in the retail field.

The curriculum contains objectives that will enable candidates to possess customer-focused attitudes by assessing their needs, providing exceptional customer service and applying techniques and tools delivered through the Hollywood Retail Academy. 

The Department of Community & Economic Development has developed the Hollywood Retail Academy to provide a strong foundation that residents can use to develop careers not only in retail, but also in many other fields that value customer service and sales skills including the hospitality industry. The success of the Hollywood Retail Academy will be used to evaluate future workforce training programs.

Hollywood is offering this program because City leaders want to build the skills of unemployed and underemployed residents. The City is working to ensure a skilled workforce to grow Hollywood’s economy, according to Joann Hussey, spokesperson for Hollywood.

Residents who want to participate should contact the Department of Community & Economic Development at 954-921-3271.

Scholarship eligibility will be determined through the completion of a Formal Household Income Certification as required by the CDBG regulations.


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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