City’s New FastTrac® Start-Up Program Fosters Entrepreneurship in Hollywood

Hollywood’s new start up and pitch program fosters entrepreneurship in the digital health industry

As a Kauffman FastTrac® affiliate, the City of Hollywood recently hosted the FastTrac® Start-Up Program to help entrepreneurs refine their business concept, identify the components of a strong business plan, and access the appropriate resources for launch.

After ten weeks of mentoring from Herb Conde, the city’s Economic Development Manager, the City of Hollywood celebrated its first Kauffman FastTrac Startup Pitch and Graduation Night on Dec. 20 at the ArtsPark.

Participants learned how to:

  • Identify market needs
  • Explore risk and success factors
  • Build a business plan
  • Understand business fundamentals
  • Network with entrepreneur professionals
  • Access business, financial and human resources

The top three business plans were selected and pitched in front of a panel of judges. The judges consisted Raelin Storey, Marketing, Communications, and Development Director for the City of Hollywood and of local entrepreneurs.

The FastTrac Start-Up Program graduates and the three finalists were: Stefano Selorio (1st Place), Maia Navarrete (2nd Place), and Camila P. Martínez-Salellas (3rd Place).

“I am grateful to be the first 1st place winner of the inaugural class of the City of Hollywood’s Kauffman FastTrac Startup Program,” said Stefano Selorio. “My startup is Carevocacy, on-demand in-home caregiving service that matches families with professional care. We want to deliver non-medical services to the growing elderly population by helping them with companionship, tech support, or meal prep.”

Selorio was awarded $3,000 from the City of Hollywood to start his business in 2020.

For more information on the FastTrac Program, contact the City of Hollywood staff at 954.921.3620.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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