Coaches push Hollywood PAL Eagles to be good players, good people


Princeton Clowers uses his love of football to help boys learn the sport and become successful young men. The coach of the

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Coaches of the Hollywood PAL Eagles. The team plays home games and practices at Boggs Field.

Hollywood PAL Eagles, he is most proud about helping boys achieve personal success.

“I want these players to become student athletes and I want them to learn the fundamentals of life,” Clowers said. “For me, it is always about the kids.”

The Hollywood PAL Eagles offer a competitive football program. It is made up of eight teams, based on age and weight and is for players ages 5 to 14. The Eagles play home games, have practice at Boggs Field and compete against other city teams in the American Youth Football League.

The Hollywood PAL Eagles football team in action against the Coral Springs Chargers.

“We teach discipline, respect and the importance of academics,” Clowers said. He played football at Dillard High School and then at Morris Brown College. “We want all our players to go to college and become successful men.”

Eagles Coach Felix Soto also believes in encouraging boys to become responsible men. He believes that participation in a demanding team sport like football can help in the process. The players are expected to train hard during practice and do well in other areas of life.

“Our focus is on academics and we want all our players to do well in school,” Soto said. “We want all our players to get a college education.”

The Eagles season has begun and the team recently traveled to Coral Springs to play the Coral Springs Chargers. The coaches and players on all the Eagles teams are hoping for successful seasons.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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