Coast Gaurd: Sick Passengers to Remain On Board the Zaandam with Four Dead from COVID-19

Zaandam, a ship with 77 sick passengers wants to dock at Port Everglades

The Broward County Commission continued to wrangle over the fate of the Holland America Cruise Ship Zaandam, which has the bodies of four people who died of COVID-19 and over 200 sick people on board. Many of the people on the ship are confined to their cabins.

The Commission agreed to delay the vote on whether or not to allow the ship to dock at Port Everglades.

Most of the commissioners who attended the meeting did so in an online format because of the coronavirus pandemic. They expressed their concern for the people confined to the ship. But members also said it is important to protect the residents of Broward County.

Mayor Dale Holness said there needs to be more discussion on the situation and a unified solution. Commissioner Michael Udine said it should be up to Broward to solve this problem and that the federal government should be involved.

Meanwhile, 2,500 passengers are trapped in their cabins as over 200 people on the ship are sick with coronavirus symptoms. Only 42 passengers aboard were reported to be sick on Mar. 24.

“The new rules require daily updates on each ship’s coronavirus caseload for vessels in U.S. waters, and come with a stiff warning: Any foreign-flagged vessels “that loiter beyond U.S. territorial seas” should try first to medically evacuate the very sick to those countries instead,” according to the Associated Press.

Medical facilities in the Port of Miami are no longer accepting Medically Evacuated patients due to limited hospital capacity, according to the U.S. Coast Gaurd.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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