Major construction work is in progress and more is about to begin on State Road 7 / 441 from Fillmore St. to the south end of Stirling Rd.
The project from Fillmore Street to south of Stirling Road is to be completed by Community Asphalt, Corp. It will cost $29,777,350 and will be complete by summer 2018. The project from SW 25th Street to Fillmore Street costs $30,674,813 and is being completed by Marks Brothers, Inc. It will also be complete by summer 2018.
The work includes adding one lane in each direction for a total of six lanes with left turn lanes. To complement them, raised medians to separate northbound and southbound lanes are planned.
Existing signalized intersections will be upgraded with mast arms and pedestrian countdown timers. New street lights along the west side of State Road seven will be installed along with digital message signs and traffic monitoring cameras.
Buffered bike lanes will run up the 441, ADA-compliant ramps will pepper the sidewalks, and bus bays are to be added to current bus stop locations. The project includes the construction of a new storm sewer system and retention ponds, as well as new water and sewer lines. Old asphalt will be removed and the entire roadway, within project limits, will be resurfaced.