Now that the Florida legislature has approved medical marijuana, the Broward County Commission is in the process of determining the next course of action.
Commissioner Mark Bogen is forming an 11-member advisory board, made up of people from law enforcement, the healthcare community, educators, business leaders, economic development professionals and other leaders, to determine the best way to approach medical marijuana.
“The Legislature has said that medical marijuana is legal and now we are creating an advisory board to see what the best practices for it will be. We will take a look at what is being done in other cities and counties,” Bogen said.
Under current legislation, medical marijuana cannot be smoked but it can be prescribed in edible or vapor form. Doctors will have to apply for the ability to prescribe medical marijuana and, so far, no doctors in Florida have been licensed to do so.
Bogen is not really sure how medical marijuana will be prescribed or distributed in Broward County, and that is why he wants an advisory board to look into it. “We will have to set up a process as to how it will be sold in Broward County. We will look at best practices for the distribution of medical marijuana,” said Bogen.
It is likely that the board will begin meetings on the issue in late September.