Debra Case Named Hollywood Vice Mayor

District 1 Commissioner Debra Case was elected to become Vice Mayor by her fellow commissioners during the December 6th Hollywood Commission meeting.  She also continues as District 1 Commissioner.

Vice Mayor Debra Case

Debra has worked in business management for many years. She and her husband Terrence Case are the owners of the Ocean Alley Restaurant and Beach Bar on the Hollywood Broadwalk, and have created 34 jobs in the 17 years they’ve been there.   In 2013, she was awarded the Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s Business Woman of the Year award, yet she says her proudest accomplishment is being elected District 1 Commissioner.

Debra became involved with issues on Hollywood Beach in her role as President of the Hollywood Beach Business Association. She has served on various advisory committees, and attended numerous City Commission and CRA Board meetings, as well as working with the CRA Executive Director on issues.

Debra and Terry, a retired college professor, have been married for 31 years.   She is one of seven children and her parents still reside in their same home in Burlington Vermont. She has two children, Emily and Tyler and two grandchildren, Case and Will.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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