Cardinals Garden Program Grows at Driftwood Middle School

Driftwood Middle School garden program

Maleah Harris enjoys physical activity and she really loves gardening. She is a Cardinal Gardner at Driftwood Middle.

The school’s athletic teams are known as the Cardinals.

She is part of the gardening program at the school. “It is a nice way to get kids to be active. I like working with plants,” said Harris, a sixth grader.

Olivia Sperduto, a seventh grader, also enjoys working the garden and said, “This is a lot of fun. I like gardening.”

Elias Arman, a seventh grader, said, “I like working in the garden and seeing plants grow.”

They are part of the Environmental Health and Wellness Magnet program at Driftwood Middle School. The are participating in a variety of classes and activities that encourage health and wellness. “We have 30 raised beds where the students are working on gardening,” said Angela Rigdon, a teacher of environmental science.

The students are growing sunflowers, radishes, onions, eggplants, beats, various vegetables and they will be planting tomatoes. When the students harvest their garden produce they will send the food to Feeding South Florida.

“The students are learning about maintaining a garden. They are learning about composting and planting. They are learning to work together. Some of the students really love gardening,” said Rigdon.

The Driftwood program offers a wide variety of positive physical and mental activities. The students can learn to garden and they can participate in a wide variety of fitness programs.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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