Meet TV Pop Culture Icon “Eddie Munster” and MunsterKoach Sun. Jan. 7 at Downtown Hollywood Dream Car Classic

26235129 10214758477053442 2067083106 nActor Butch Patrick, who as a child portrayed “Eddie Munster” on the iconic 1960s television show The Munsters, will be appearing at the Dream Car Classic in Downtown Hollywood on Sunday, January 7th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Patrick will be on hand for autographs and photograph opportunities. The coolest hot rods ever to appear on television, The Munster Koach and Dragula Tribute Cars will be on display.

Ted Vernon of South Beach Classics will also be appearing with a 1929 Bugatti.

The Downtown Hollywood Dream Car Classic, which is presented by the City of Hollywood CRA and Cobra Joe Productions, is a free family-friendly event, which takes place every first Sunday of the month, features dozens of vintage and custom vehicles on display along Hollywood Boulevard between 19th and 21st avenues.

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to meet an original cast member from the hit show, the Munsters, and the only celebrity touring with his own television hot rods!  For more information on Butch Patrick and his tour dates and events, please visit


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Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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