Emergency Dept. at Memorial Regional Named For Hollywood Residents Judith and Robert Cornfeld

A generous donation from Judith and Robert Cornfeld and their family has been recognized with the naming of the emergency department at Memorial Regional Hospital in their honor. The dedication ceremony was held on the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary.

“Love and health are the two most important things in our lives,” said Dr. Robert Cornfeld. “Judy and I believe there is no better way to honor our 60 years together than to give back to our local hospital, which has powerfully served our family and community for decades.”

The donation is the second major gift from the Cornfeld Family to Memorial Regional Hospital.

“We’re very pleased the Cornfeld Family has continued their generous support and delighted to recognize this gift by naming the emergency department for them,” said Aurelio M. Fernandez, III, FACHE, Memorial Healthcare System president & CEO. “Philanthropy is critically important to Memorial and donations like this are essential if we’re to accomplish the ambitious goals we’ve set to serve our community’s future needs.”

With more than 110,000 patient visits each year, the Judith and Robert Cornfeld Emergency Department is the busiest emergency department in Broward County and one of the busiest in Florida.

The Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations raise funds philanthropically to assist patients and families and to underwrite the cost of programs, facilities, and equipment within the Memorial Healthcare System. To learn more or make a donation, please call 954.265.3454 or visit them online at www.mhs.net.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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