Disasters affect everyone but some, like seniors, people with chronic conditions, the economically disadvantaged, and those with access or functional needs are often disproportionally affected.
The Florida Division of Emergency Management has partnered with every local emergency management agency in the state to create a registry so residents with disabilities or access and functional needs can receive assistance during a disaster.Floridians are encouraged to register through the Florida Special Needs Registry, found at the following link: https://snr.floridadisaster.org/Signin?ReturnUrl=%2f
This statewide registry provides first responders with valuable information to prepare for disasters or other emergencies. Registration is free and confidential. Information provided will only be used to plan for and provide services during a disaster. Those who register will receive important information from local emergency management officials about evacuations.
Completing the Florida Special Needs Registry does not automatically qualify the individual for a special needs shelter. Additional information will be provided by your local emergency management agency regarding sheltering.
For additional preparation tips and other valuable resources, please visit the City’s Emergency Management website at www.hollywoodfl.org/hurricane