First Sergeant Manuel Valdez, Hollywood Hills High School Awarded Governor’s Shine Award

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First Sergeant Manuel Valdez was awarded the Governor’s Shine Award on November 10, 2015, during a meeting of Florida’s Cabinet. He teaches Leadership Education Training courses to cadets at Hollywood Hills High School.

Valdez was among seven outstanding educators Governor Rick Scott recognized with Governor’s Shine Awards. In honor of Veterans Day, all of the award recipients were active military or veterans. The Shine Award is presented to teachers and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education.

Governor Scott said, “These teachers bring valuable lessons from their military experiences to the classroom each day. As they prepare students for future success, these teachers offer students the opportunities to learn about leadership and service. I am proud to honor seven brave men and women today for their dedication to our country and to our students.”

Valdez served more than 20 years in the United States Army, and has worked in Broward County Public Schools for 16 years as an Army JROTC Instructor. He most recently received the Department of the Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal for being recognized as the 2015 United States Army Cadet Command Army Instructor of the year.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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