Flood Risk Open House Set for Feb. 6 at Anne Kolb Nature Center

Broward County residents and business owners are encouraged to attend an upcoming Public Flood Risk Open House to learn about their home’s flood risk, view the newly updated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) preliminary flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs), and find out how the information may impact their property.

A variety of specialists will be available to answer questions about flood insurance, engineering, and more.

The open house will be held in Hollywood on Thursday, February 6th at the Anne Kolb Nature Center Mangrove Hall at 751 Sheridan St. in Hollywood from 4-7 p.m.

No appointment is necessary, but if you’re going, remember, if possible, to bring your elevation certificates for your property with you.

The new preliminary FIRM was developed through a partnership between Broward County, local municipalities, and FEMA. The FIRM is based on updated modeling and data. The new FIRM shows more precise flood hazard information than older maps.

The new maps aim to help protect property owners and communities from the risks associated with flooding. Over time, flood risks change due to construction and development, environmental changes, floodplain widening or shifting, and other factors. FIRMs are updated periodically to reflect these changes.

By law, federally regulated or insured mortgage lenders require flood insurance on buildings that are in areas at high risk of flooding. Standard homeowners’, business owners’, and renters’ insurance policies typically don’t cover flood damage, so flood insurance is an important consideration for everyone.

Flood insurance policies can be purchased from any State-licensed property and casualty insurance agent.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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