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“Never underestimate the positive power of music in young people’s lives,” says Myra Weaver, the co-founder and CEO of the Hollywood-based Florida Youth Orchestra (FYO). Myra is a recognized authority on music for young people and the impact it can have. “FYO is more than music. We build self-confidence and intellectual/behavioral skills using music that empowers children to become productive, successful adults, based on multiple studies that verify its lifelong value.”
To celebrate their 30th year and 20,000 alumni, their first concert of the 2017-2018 season will be a “ClassiCool” Family Concert on Sun., Nov. 26th at Bailey Concert Hall. The first part of the program will feature the FYO Principal Orchestra and the second half will feature the FYO Symphony Orchestra.
“We are really multi-cultural and extremely diverse, with all children being accepting of peers who are of vast backgrounds,” said Dawn Janosik, the Director of FYO’s STEPS program. Ms. Janosik went on to explain that Students Transformed through Education and Performance Skills provides free after-school music lessons and instruments for nearly 400 at-risk children in 10 Title 1 schools, to Social Service Agencies and a City Community Center in both Broward and Miami-Dade counties.
“These children would not otherwise have access to music training and its many benefits, which include the development of self-esteem, pride, commitment and responsibility – traits that empower them to become successful, productive adults. This program is funded entirely by the Florida Youth Orchestra at no cost to the sites or families.”
There are 425 student musicians ages 5 to 18 from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, as well as 300 who participate in FYO’s community engagement educational programs. The 23-member faculty consists of South Florida’s most respected music professionals.
The musicians represent nationalities that span the globe, with a rich diversity of ethnic background, religion and socioeconomic circumstance. FYO emphasizes cooperation, encouragement and mutual respect in a nurturing, supportive environment. There are seven orchestra divisions: the Alpha Strings, Sliver Strings, Chamber Strings, Repertory Strings, Flute Choir, Symphony and the Principal Orchestra.
Tickets for the Nov. 26 family concert are $15 or free for children under 5. Bailey Hall is at 3501 S.W. Davie Road in Davie, Florida. For additional information, visit www.FloridaYouthOrchestra.org, e-mail FYOmusic@gmail.com or call (954) 558-3227.