Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is Beginning its Major Expansion with the Addition of Four Floors Atop the Existing Building


The Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital will soon begin its major expansion with the addition of four more floors which will be placed on top of the freestanding hospital. This will mean 150,000 more square feet to help in the care of the thousands of children that come to the hospital for life-saving procedures every year.

“Today we have many of our pediatric patients located on the fourth floor at Memorial Regional Hospital,” said Scott Singer, the associate administrator at Joe DiMaggio. “When construction is complete, we will relocate all the children on the fourth floor to Joe DiMaggio.”

Currently, Joe DiMaggio is going through the various approvals required by the City of Hollywood and the state. Recently the Hollywood Commission agreed to all the requested square footage on the addition.

Hospital administration is hopeful that construction will begin in early 2019.

“This expansion will allow us to have all private rooms and semi-private rooms,” noted Singer.  “It will consolidate our services so our intensive care unit will be closer to the operating rooms and our cardiac surgery will be done on the same floor as cardiac intensive care. This will optimize the patient experience.”

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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