Friends of the Stirling Road Branch Library host Funday

The Friends of the Stirling Road Branch Library hosted a Family Sunday Funday on May 5 to introduce families and children to their local library.

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Mayor Josh Levy reading to children at the Stirling Road Branch Library

Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy read a book to younger children and enjoyed the opportunity to do so. Sandi Levy, a retired educator who continues to teach through art gave a presentation on painting for fun. A number of community leaders read stories to children. There were a musical performance and family Zumba.

Jacqueline Smith an assistant principal at Hollywood Hills High School read to children. “I want to encourage and promote literacy among children,” she said.

Aliyah Jackson and Alyssa Figueroa, students at Hollywood Hills High School volunteered at the event. They had attended their school’s prom the previous night.

Jackson also said she enjoyed being a part of the event and helping children.

Denise Lewis and Phil Letizia brought their daughter Zeyah Letizia. “We found out about this Funday and decided it would be a good thing to do,” said Denise. She said her daughter was looking forward to the painting activity.

Julie Mukamal, co-president of the Friends of the Library said it was a good community activity and would encourage more people to see the benefits of the Stirling Road Branch Library.


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Denise Lewis, daughter Zeyah Letizia and Phil Letizia at the Stirling Road Library Family Funday Day.
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The Zamir family at the Funday at Stirling Road Branch Library
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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