Grand Opening of Habano Cigar Club in Downtown Hollywood, Now Under New Ownership

Auto Draft

The Habano Cigar Club in Downtown Hollywood, now under new ownership, will hold its grand opening this Friday, Jan. 31 from 7 to 10 pm at 1808 S. Young Circle.

The festivities will feature the Brazilian bossa nova musical stylings and the fine art of jazz musician and surrealist Anthony Baglino, along with light refreshments, wine, beer and exclusive cigars in a European-style lounge and café setting.

With the rebranding of the Habano Cigar Club, new owner Salo Felzen has breathed new life into an old favorite Hollywood institution, adding monthly live music, entertainment and art events and expanding the beer, wine and cocktail selection. Coffees and cappuccinos are also available.

With a deep appreciation for a fine smoke and an atmosphere that enhances the experience, Felzen has retained the quaint and cozy ambiance of the Habano Cigar Club, with deep leather chairs and precision humidification in the fully stocked humidor. 

An extensive selection of major-brand cigars and accessories are offered at discount prices. The Habano Cigar Club also carries hand-rolled cigars.

In addition, patrons are welcome to order food deliveries from neighboring businesses Mama Mia Italian restaurant and Sushi Song.

The Habano Cigar Club is open daily from 11 am to 11 pm. For more information, call 954-926-2006 or visit

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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