Greater Hollywood YMCA celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day with help for seniors

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a time to reflect on the life and era of a man who led a major civil rights movement. Some organizations and communities celebrate with parades and presentations.


The Greater Hollywood YMCA will celebrate the day with a community service effort. On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 19, YMCA volunteers will come together to renovate the exterior of three seniors’ homes in the Liberia community. They will perform painting, landscaping, and general light repairs to the exterior of the homes.


The Hollywood YMCA has partnered with Global Village Impact, Inc., Executive Director Basil Phillips, and Liberia Economic and Social Development, Inc. Executive Henry L. Graham to give back and improve the homes of seniors in the community of Liberia.


The Global Village Impact is doing an assessment of the seniors living in those homes to see if there are senior services they need access to, and to help them obtain those services. An effort will be made to connect them with social services, elder services, a food bank and transportation.


They will work with TD Bank to open a savings account for each of the seniors with a $25 opening balance. The Hollywood YMCA will supply a subsidized membership to each of the seniors.


Liberia is an economically challenged community. The three seniors were chosen by the Liberia Economic and Social Development, Inc. and the Global Village Impact, Inc. that work within the community as economically and physically unable to take care of themselves outside of their homes.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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