Guiding your childrens decisions in the school cafeteria

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Starting school can be an exciting and challenging time for both parents and students. Family involvement plays a crucial role in a child’s success. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services provides resources to protect the health and well–being of children. From protecting children from identity theft to providing resources on healthy eating, the department is helping pave the way for a successful future for the next generation.

Meeting children’s dietary needs is a key component in helping them achieve academic success, and Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam encourages students and parents to download the Nutrislice app by visiting Google Play or iTunes.

The app, which was launched in Florida in 2013, provides detailed information by specific school on the food choices available, so families can plan their students’ meals and protect them from any food allergies they may have by helping guide their decisions in the cafeteria.

Using Nutrislice, students can also vote for their favorite foods and compete in educational activities about healthier eating. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services partnered with Nutrislice to develop this interactive menu and provide it to Florida school districts free of charge. A new function allows kids and parents to plan the entire meal and see the nutritional summary of each item on the menu.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services oversees Florida’s school nutrition program, including school breakfast, school lunch and the summer feeding program. More than 2.8 million children in Florida are enrolled in the National School Lunch Program. Visit for more information.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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