Hammerstein House is re-opening for free tours

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The Hollywood Historical Society is pleased to announce another season of guided tours of the historic Hammerstein House at 1520 Polk Street in Hollywood. The house was designed by prominent Hollywood architect Bayard Lukens in 1935 for longtime residents and community activists Vera and Clarence Hammerstein. The house features 19th and 20th century family antiques and decorative features reflecting the architectural style Lukens dubbed “Tropical Modern.” The Hollywood Historical Society’s Research Center, located to the rear of the house, will be open as well and features amazing historic photos reflecting Hollywood by the Sea’s glamorous “Florida land boom” origins.


The Hollywood Historical Society is offering tours of the restored home on the first Sunday of each month from October through May. Those who visit the home will be hosted by members of the Society and will learn about life in early Hollywood.

Karen Albertson, president of the Hollywood Historical Society is looking forward to the tours. “This is an exciting way to learn about the history of Hollywood,” she said.

Visitors will see flooring made of Cuban tile and a ceiling made of Cypress wood. They will tour the home’s bedrooms and find Clarence’s World War I uniform. He served as a pilot during the war. People will see items the Hammerstein’s collected from the travels around the world as well as artifacts from early Hollywood.

The house was designed by Hollywood architect Bayard Lukens in 1935 for the Hammersteins. It is considered an example of the style Lukens called “Tropical Modern,” with a variegated tile roof and a smooth curving wall at the front entrance. White stucco walls are set off by horizontal trim in another color. The interiors are detailed with moldings, trim over and around doors, fireplaces with heatolaters and use of decorative Cuban and Spanish tiles.

When Clarence Hammerstein died at age 92 in September, 1987, he left his house to the City of Hollywood in memory of his wife Vera, who predeceased him. They had no children. The house is located at 1520 Polk Street.

WHAT: Guided Tour of the Historic Hammerstein House

WHEN: Sunday, October 4, 2015, 1-4 PM

WHERE: Hammerstein House, 1520 Polk Street, Hollywood

WHO: Tours conducted by Hollywood Historical Society docents


CONTACT: The Hollywood Historical Society at 954 923 5590 or email hollywoodflhistory@att.net for more information.

The Hollywood Historical Society is pleased to announce another season of guided tours of the historic Hammerstein House at 1520 Polk Street in Hollywood. The house was designed by prominent Hollywood architect Bayard Lukens in 1935 for longtime residents and community activists Vera and Clarence Hammerstein. The house features 19th and 20th century family antiques and decorative features reflecting the architectural style Lukens dubbed “Tropical Modern.” The Hollywood Historical Society’s Research Center, located to the rear of the house, will be open as well and features amazing historic photos reflecting Hollywood by the Sea’s glamorous “Florida land boom” origins.

Also, to celebrate the City of Hollywood’s 90th Anniversary, there will be a historical walking tour given by the Hollywood Historical Society from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 1. People will be able to walk the streets of Hollywood and see how the city has grown over the years. 



Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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