Holly Neher is a highly regarded quarterback for the Hollywood Hills High School football team. While other young women have played tackle football in Broward County, they played more limited roles on their teams. Even if Neher, a junior, does not become the starting quarterback she will likely play a significant role on the team this season.

Hollywood Hills football coach Brandon Graham believes she has great potential and said it is possible she could become a starting quarterback. Graham was the coach of the flag football team. Right now Neher is in line behind Ramon Jones for quarterback.
Neher just loves being a part of the team. “I played football quarterback for the flag football team and, after the season ended, I wanted to continue playing football,” she said.
Neher approached Graham about playing tackle football. After some consideration, he decided to allow her to try the game. Neher did not ask for any special consideration, she wanted to compete as any other player.
“I love football,” said Neher. “We are like a family. The players treat me like a sister and the coaches are like dads.”
During practices, defensive players are not permitted to tackle the quarterback. Neher realizes that during a game situation, she may take some hard hits. “I am ready for it. When I get tackled. I will get up and get back in the game.”

Neher wants to do her best and hopes to make a contribution to the team. She is 5’2 in height and weighs about 175. She has an enthusiastic attitude toward the game. During the winter, she plays goalie on the soccer team. Coach Graham said Ramon is the leading quarterback now but Neher is a strong contender.
During a recent scrimmage she played well and demonstrated confidence and determination.