Hollywood Commission agrees to purchases

The Hollywood Commission agreed to a number of major contracts during a recent meeting.

Commission members voted to execute an agreement with RSM US LLP, which was the highest-ranked auditing firm to provide financial auditing services over three years. The contract is for $695,000. Every year, the City hires an auditing firm to take a look at its books.

The Commission also agreed to a contract between Layne Heavy Civil Inc. and the City for construction services related to the water main replacement program from Johnson Street to Taft Street from North 76th Terrace to North 66th Avenue. This is part of the 2007 Water System Master Plan and the citywide water main replacement program. It also involves the reuse water line along Johnson Street and 72nd Avenue and a sewer force main at 72nd Avenue and Taft Street. The contract is for $13,485,320.

Other actions by the Commission included agreeing to purchase a mobile two-camera system license plate reader trailer and three tablets for an amount not to exceed $53,976.

The Commission also authorized city officials to apply for, and if awarded, accept the Department of Homeland Security 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of about $1,500,000. The money would be used to purchase fire rescue operational and training equipment.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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