Hollywood Commission agrees to major purchases

The Hollywood Commission agreed to a number of major purchases during a recent meeting.

The Commisison agreed to a resolution to award a construction management at risk guaranteed maximum price contract to State Contracting and Engineering Corporation in the amount of $814,597 for resiliency improvement at the Polk Street Marine Boat Ramp.

The work involves four boat ramps. When there is a rising tide, the water washes over the ramps and into the parking lot and Polk Street. The project involves reconstructing the ramps so the angles are raised so water does not wash over them. They are adding a storm water retaining area with structural retaining walls, an entry gate, lighting, side walks, curbing and landscaping. Driveways are being relocated.

The Commission agreed to a resolution to allow city leaders to execute a contract with Intercounty Engineering, Inc. for construction services related to stormwater pump stations SW-08 & SW-09 valves replacement in the amount of $387,965.

The Commission agreed to a resolution to allow city leaders to issue a blanket purchase order with Pace Analytical Services for laboratory testing, analysis and field sampling services for an estimated annual amount of $140,000.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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