Hollywood Commission Approves, Considers Zoning Changes on 441 Development Plans

Hollywood welcome sign

At its December 6th meeting, The Hollywood Commission granted approval for construction work in the 441 corridor near the Hard Rock, essentially paving the way for the 441 ROC project to continue.  The Commission agreed to an ordinance waiving the ten acre minimum acreage requirement for a planned development district. This involves the changing of the zoning designation of the property,  located on the northeast corner of State Road 7 and Griffin Road, from Resort Commercial Sub-Area to Planned Development District.  It approved the 441 ROC Master Development Plan and amended the city’s zoning map to reflect this change.

The mixed use project known as 441 ROC is approved for 180 residential units, a 2,600 square foot restaurant with a drive-thru, a gas station and convenience store, a storage building and parking.

The Commission has agreed to a resolution considering the request for modifications from off-street parking and landscaping requirements, sign variances and setback variance, design and site plan approval for the construction of the development.

It also has agreed to a resolution to approve the Commercial Property Improvement Pilot Program known as an Economic Development Incentive to property owners along designated commercial corridors in low to moderate income areas of Hollywood.


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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