During a recent Hollywood Commission meeting, several contracts were approved. Among them were large construction projects, including a contract between All Webb’s Enterprises, Inc. and the City, to perform construction work involving injection wells, mechanical integrity testing and cleaning at the Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount of $424,010.
The Commission approved a contract between Mills Electric Service, Inc. and the City, for construction services related to the Cryogenic Plant compressor soft start replacement, located at the Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount of $346,233. Also authorized was an agreement with Hillers Electrical Engineering, Inc., for technical services during the construction phase of the project, for an amount not to exceed $16,000.
Also approved was a purchase order between SHI Corporation and the City, for a hosted Microsoft E-Mail Solution with three years of maintenance, for the amount of $228,000 for year one, and $170,000 for years two and three.
The final purchase order the Commission approved was between Atci Communications International, Inc. and the City, for security systems service maintenance and repair of cameras citywide, in the amount of $121,725.
A grant from the Areawide Council on Aging of Broward County, Inc., in the amount of $228,000, was accepted by the Commission, which agreed to a local service programs contract, between the Agency and the City, to provide enhanced senior citizen recreation programs.