The Hollywood Commission approved some major contracts involving infrastructure.
It agreed to a resolution contracting Southeastern Engineering Contractors, Inc. for construction services related to sanitary sewer lift station W-14. At $2,395,072, the project aims to rehabilitate the lift station located at 5596 Monroe Street. The station has been in service since 1971.
The improvements include three new 44HP pumps, new valves and discharge pipes, and ventilation and odor control systems. A new flow meter will also be installed. Other project requirements include a force main bypass system, electronic and instrumentation systems, and a 100 KW electrical backup generator with 500 gallon fuel tank.
Construction will begin in September 2019 with a completion goal of June 2020.
The Commission also approved the renewal of an existing contract with Environwaste Services Group, Inc. for the gravity sewer system condition assessment, renewal, and replacement program, also known as the inflow/infiltration reduction program level two. The expenditure is in the amount of $1,166,705.