Hollywood Commission Approves Public Works Purchases

The Hollywood Commission agreed to some major purchases in a recent meeting.

A resolution was passed that allows city leaders to issue purchase orders for two vehicles from Altec Industries and the Growers Equipment Company. The two vehicles cost $317,482 and are allocated to the Public Works Department.

The Commission also agreed to a resolution that allows city leaders to issue purchase orders for another two vehicles from the Bobcat Company and Alan Jay Chevrolet, amounting to $90,046 for the Public Works Department.

It agreed to a resolution to allow city leaders to apply for and if awarded, accept the Areawide Council on Aging of Broward County, Inc. Grant in the amount of $228,000 at no cost to the City to provide enhanced senior citizen recreation programs.

It agreed to a resolution to allow city leaders issue blanket purchase orders for the renewal of the existing agreements with Calvin, Giordano and Associates, Inc.  and C.A.P. Government, Inc. for inspection and plan review services in an estimated annual cumulative amount not to exceed $800,000.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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