Following a long discussion during a recent meeting, the Hollywood Commission passed an ordinance that will create some new regulations for short-term rental properties. The operators of these facilities will have to get an annual $200 license and have someone available near the property to deal with emergency situations. The new regulations limit the number of people to four for a bedroom. Also, operators must post Hollywood’s noise regulations, the days that trash is collected and a map with the locations of parking.
A first violation can mean a $250 fine and additional offenses can mean a $500 fine. A short-term rental operator with three offenses in a year can lose his or her license for one year.
This new ordinance is in response to many complaints received over the years involving vacation rental properties. People have complained about too much noise, loud and crowded parties that go late into the night and other problems associated with short term rentals. Some people at meetings have complained about the problems associated with the rentals while operators who have spoken say that if the properties are properly maintained, there will few problems.
During the meeting, Mayor Peter Bober said he understands that some people in Hollywood dislike the short-term rentals. But he said that under Florida law, they cannot simply be closed down.