Hollywood Commission Purchases New Lifeguard Towers and Playground Equipment

Hollywood Commission purchases new lifeguard towers and playground equipment

New Lifeguard Towers

Once Hollywood Beach reopens, you may notice new lifeguard stands are beginning to be installed.

“We are very pleased with the two first aid stations on the beach.

The railings, the storm proof windows, the aluminum shutters are all great improvements over our old first aid stations. We look forward to our new towers being finished so we can move in.”

Bruce Wilkie, Marine Safety Chief City of Hollywood

In a recent meeting, he Hollywood Commission agreed to allow city leaders to issue an order for the purchase of two first aid stations and six lifeguard towers from Post and Beam.

The purchases are not to exceed $698,368.

Washington Park Improvements

The Hollywood Commission agreed to a purchase order with Mullings Engineering Services for the paving and drainage of Washington Park for $137,000. The Hollywood Commission also agreed to a purchase order with Mullings for sod and sod installation for $103,680.

Driftwood Community Center

The Hollywood Commission agreed to a resolution to issue an order with Rep Services for the purchase and installation of playground equipment, playground surfacing, and shade cover at Driftwood Community Center for $187,632.

Aeration Building Pump Station

The Commission agreed to a work order with Arcadis US to provide professional engineering services for the design of the Aeration Building Pump Station Rehabilitation Project for $130,306.

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Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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