Hollywood Commission Restores Police Pension Benefits Cut in 2011

Hollywood commission restores police pay and pension benefits cut in 2011

Members of the Hollywood Police Department at the Feb. 6 commission meeting were pleased the Hollywood Commission agreed to restore many benefits lost because of Financial Urgency declared in 2011.

At the time, Hollywood was facing a $38 million budget shortfall. All city employees took a pay cut. The police took a 12.5 percent pay cut.

The Commission agreed to restore pension benefits at a cost of $4.5 million a year. On February 20, the Commission is expected to sign a three-year police contract.

Hollywood has paid $18 million toward this year’s contribution to the pension plan. Under the new play, the city will pay $13.5 million to the police pension over the next three years.

Police officers will pay more toward their pension and toward their healthcare. They will receive a two percent cost of living increase instead of a four percent increase.

Jeff Marano, a police union leader who spoke at the meeting said he was glad that benefits were being restored. But he was disappointed that the benefits had been cut during Financial Urgency. A large group of police officers attended the meeting and were in good spirits following the decision.

Hollywood commission restores police pay and pension benefits cut in 2011
Hollywood commission restores police pay and pension benefits cut in 2011
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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