Hollywood commits $6 million for Complete Streets Project

The Hollywood Commission passed a resolution to fund the Johnson Street Complete Streets Project and allowed the City Manager to execute a letter setting forth the City’s commitment to the plan. This involves funding for the right-of-way acquisition portion of the project with an estimated cost of $6 million over three years.

The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Hollywood are committed to improving alternative modes of transportation and support Complete Street Corridors to provide safe choices for pedestrian, cyclists, transit riders and motorists.

The Broward MPO has allocated funds for the reconstruction of Johnson Street from 31st Court to U.S. 1 as part of its Transportation Mobility initiative. The Broward MPO funding  is currently estimated at $13 million for design and construction .

A typical local street with two-way traffic, sidewalk and swale for drainage has a 50-foot right-of-way. Johnson Street east of I-95 has segments with 40-foot and 45-foot wide rights-of-way and is an alternate to Hollywood Boulevard with its two lanes of traffic and continuous center lane cross section, and is heavily used by pedestrians and bicyclists without the benefit of sidewalks or bike lanes for a majority of the segment.

The Broward MPO and FDOT require the City to fund the right-of-way acquisitions to develop the Complete Streets project over the three-year period.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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