By the numbers: Hollywood plans 2018 budget

The City of Hollywood saved $234,000 in the first quarter of 2017 by going to a four-day work week for most municipal employees. This savings was more than originally projected, and fewer sick and overtime hours were seen.

However, the City is projecting a $8.571 million shortfall, which must be closed and a balanced budget reached by October 1. Hollywood’s proposed general fund revenue is expected to be $247,469,602 and proposed total expenditures are $256,041,000.

The City Commission participated in its Annual 2018 Fiscal Retreat, in which an annual summary to update the Commission on the City’s financial position at this point in the current fiscal year was presented. The projections for the upcoming year, along with input on spending priorities, which will serve as a road map in planning for 2018, were given.

The Fiscal year 2017 Total Operating Budget for all funds was $509,521,122 which is $19,897,842 more than Fiscal Year 2016. The proposed Fiscal Year 2018 General Fund Revenue is expected to be $247,469,602.

In February, the Broward County property appraiser gave a presentation forecasting a 7 percent increase in property values throughout the county. This will mean more revenue for the City of Hollywood.

Also at the meeting, the City’s Vision Hollywood 2020 aspirations were discussed. This includes:

  • A vibrant downtown featuring a food district with a culinary school
  • Enhanced public gathering spaces including concepts for new spaces such as a public pier and sports complex
  • More and higher quality recreational amenities and programs
  • The conversion of Septic to Sanitary Sewer in some areas
  • Middle class growth and strong neighborhoods
  • Lush landscaping, revitalized corridors and attractive neighborhoods
  • Robust public transportation and improved mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Fortified beaches

Other goals discussed including making Hollywood more liveable, improving the quality of life and increasing civic pride. Also, there is a goal to improve city facilities and the city’s corridors. There is a desire to improve morale and have more team-building in government and to have more efficient and accountable government. There is a need to attract more business to Hollywood, develop the workforce and redevelop outmoded areas.

Proposed and Funded capital projects for Fiscal year 2018:

  • Johnson Street Complete Streets – ERP initiative underway, Capital Investment $3 – 5 million annually over 3 years
  • Ongoing annual maintenance up to $1,000,000 – Police Vehicles – $1,000,000

Partial list of unfunded capital projects:

  • Sanitary Sewer conversion from Septic – $300 million, city portion
  • 2nd Floor Library – $4.2 million
  • Seawall Repairs (select locations) – $1.2 million
  • Berm Improvements (select locations) – $750,000
  • Citywide LED Street lighting retrofit – $11,000,000
  • Street Resurfacing – $1,250,000 annually
  • Alley Resurfacing – $1,000,000 annually. These are the best cost-estimates for projects but detailed design and engineering have not been completed
  • Sidewalk Construction – missing networks $3,850,000
  • Residential Sidewalk Program – $800,000
  • Complete Streets – grant match – $800,000
  • Hollywood Blvd – City owned – $1,000,000
  • Traffic Calming – $795,000
  • Traffic Control – $1,000,000
  • Railroad Crossing Maintenance – $500,000
  • Lifeguard Tower Replacements – $500,000
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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