Hollywood, Florida Scholarship Foundation helps local college-bound students


The Hollywood, Florida Scholarship Foundation honored past presidents and new board members during a recent luncheon at the Club at Emerald Hills.

“We are doing this to provide hope to our future leaders,” said Patricia Chukerman, president of the Foundation. “We want to help our young people.”

Past presidents from over the years enjoyed spending time together and sharing a meal. The Foundation raises money to provide college scholarships to Hollywood and Dania Beach residents who have done very well in high school but could use some financial help in college. Currently the Foundation is providing $1,000 annually to about 90 college students and will provide $1,000 to 30 more young Hollywood and Dania Beach residents during the upcoming year. The students receive the money directly and can use it to provide for their expenses.

“I got involved because I saw that students had needs and I wanted to help them. I want to help young people in the community,” said past president Norma Horvitz.

The Foundation’s main event is Grapes for Grades which will be held on September 15 at a place to be determined. During the luncheon, members shared stories about some of the large fashion shows that were put on in the past. They discussed the hard work of organizing and holding the events and the sense of satisfaction they got during and after the fashion shows. Chukerman described some of the stories of success enjoyed by young people helped by the Foundation. During one luncheon, the late President Gerald Ford made an appearance and the Foundation members had to work even harder to accommodate the Secret Service.

Ernestine Cory, a past president said, “We are working to give young people a chance to fulfill their dreams. I like being able to help young people.”

Grapes for Grades offers an upscale evening of local restaurants, wine tastings, a silent auction, live music and a chance to win a ten day cruise on Premier Cruise Lines. The Foundation is an entirely volunteer organization.

Another past president, Rose McDonnell, enjoyed the luncheon saying, “I think it  is important that we help young people who are pursuing their education.”


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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