Hollywood Hills High School Organization Mentors Girls to Succeed as Women of Tomorrow

Women of Tomorrow is an organization dedicated to helping young women achieve success. The young women can learn WOTlogo empowerwomen e1437497176795leadership skills by participating in the organization. They also learn from women who have achieved success in various professions. These mentors visit with Women of Tomorrow members, spend time with them and share some of their experiences about achieving success in business and professional careers.

According to information on Women of Tomorrow, the program is based on Jennifer Valoppi’s college years studying Psychology of Women. Jennifer said, “The research was clear, the real problem with true equality for women is not so much that men think women are inferior, but that women agreed. And the women who do make it to the top like being the only ones there and don’t do anything to help other women along.”

Jennifer wanted to change that.  In 1997, while she was the main news anchor at WTVJ NBC 6 Miami, she designed a unique program for accomplished professional women to reach out to at-risk girls. Since the program began it has worked with 11,000 girls. Women of Tomorrow is about women helping women and its program is considered unique and effective. Highly accomplished professional women meet with small groups of at-risk girls in public high schools once a month to discuss ways to overcome obstacles and gain skills for success. Women of Tomorrow operates in about 180 public high schools and reaches around 4,000 girls and has 500 mentors.

Rachel Silber is the coordinator/advisor for Women of Tomorrow at Hollywood Hills High.  The organization includes 27 girls and there is a strong focus on building self-esteem. Silber has brought in mentors, including a lawyer, a UPS executive, and other professionals.

“We have leaders from the community come to talk with Women of Tomorrow because the young women in this organization will be their employees in the future. We want to help young women develop. It is important to motivate them and help them to become successful,” she explained.

The girls in the club say they believe the benefits of membership are multifold.

“I love spending time with the mentors,” said club member Danielle Mazzarella, while her fellow member Grace Tompkins said she believes the organization will help young women achieve success later in life.  Samantha Plottner feels that Women of Tomorrow will help her gain scholarship opportunities.  They all believe that mentoring opportunities are good for high school students and would like to see more people become involved.

“This is an excellent opportunity. They are being mentored by successful women and becoming more knowledgeable about business and professional careers,” said Maria Leon, a parent volunteer


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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