Hollywood Hills High School Saturday Car Washes Raise Money for Clubs and Contributions


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Flag Football Team members wash cars outside Hollywood Hills High School.

On any given Saturday, if you drive by Hollywood Hills High School on Stirling just east of 441, you have a good chance at getting a good car wash — from good kids and for a good reason!  Different teams and clubs from the school are often out washing cars and raising funds for various causes.

Students at the school are now, of course, concerned about their fellow scholars at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and are looking for ways to show support, so recently, a group of Hollywood Hills Key Club members and some from the Flag Football team ran the car wash.  Of the money raised, 50 percent will go to the Key Club at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, while the other half will help to take the Flag Football team to a match in Orlando.

Nick Pascatore is the vice president and recruiting manager for the Key Club at Hollywood Hills and he wants to see some changes. “I don’t think we should be afraid to go to school,” he said.

Pascatore believes that stricter gun control laws are necessary and he will travel to Washington D.C. on March 24 to march against gun violence.

Yareen Cohen, the treasure of the Hollywood Hills Key Club, believes that one of the root problems of the violence is that too many kids are being bullied. “We need to stop bullying in the schools,” he said.

Susan Rosales, the advisor to the Key Club said she was pleased that students worked on the car wash project, and is proud that the students want to help.



Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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